Infraestructure Assets Management 

Infraestructure Assets Management 

Established in 1991, our company has dedicated itself to the research and development of innovative procedures, techniques, and devices that enhance the precision, speed, and scope of health diagnostics. We are continually seeking the most effective methods for managing and evaluating various infrastructure parameters.


Collection of pavement parameters, both structural and service level, is conducted using high-speed devices on various surfaces such as roads, motorways, and airports.

Collection of level service parameters (such as retroreflection, luminance, class level, etc.) for road markings, vertical signs, and panels on roads and motorways through traffic speed devices.

Engineering and consultancy services are crucial for strategizing preventive maintenance of infrastructure.

Bridges, buildings and other structure monitoring trough physics or fiber optic sensors 

Inventory management, mobile mapping, numerical modeling, and guidance based on objective decision-making criteria.

Management Information Systems (GIS, PMS, etc.) and bespoke asset management software

Our devices & equipment:

ECNT invest knowledge, resources and experience to create what is necessary to improve our capacity and leadership in the field of infrastructure asset management. 

What makes us different?

ECNT invest knowledge, resources and experience to create what is necessary to improve our capacity and leadership in the field of infrastructure asset management. 


Annually, over 70,000 kilometers of roads, highways, railways, and airport runways undergo measurement and analysis by ECNT. 

The data stored on our servers, in the cloud, and on computers amounts to several petabytes.

ECNT invest knowledge, resources and experience to create what is necessary to improve our capacity and leadership in the field of infrastructure asset management. 


ECNT is not just its equipment, computing capacity and research spirit: people is a strategic asset because of the training needed to operate devices in its correct way, process the data collected with technical criteria, to manage the whole information to obtain the answers our customers are asking for and to think about future, new requeriments and how the technology can bring to our clients a better service. 

Our Mission

It’s easy to do great work when you believe in what you do. 
If you need something that doesn't exist yet, we'll create it.

Our clients

Clients around the world trust us to obtain the best data, the fastest and most accurate measurements, and the most suitable analyses for their objectives.

We listen to you.




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Avenida de los Montes de Oca 9

San Sebastián de los Reyes 28703




+34 916597831

Opening hours

Lunes: 8:30AM-5:30PM

Martes: 8:30AM-5:30PM

Miércoles: 8:30AM-5:30PM

Jueves: 8:30AM-5:30PM

Viernes: 8AM-2:30PM


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