
Visualise is a high-performance team for the dynamic monitoring of vertical road signage It allows for the automatic determination of the condition of vertical signage, specifically regarding nighttime visibility of traffic signs and billboards.
With this equipment, measurements of signal retroreflection can be carried out at the normal speed of traffic circulation on the road, while simultaneously conducting the GIS inventory of signage.

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With this equipment, measurements of signal retroreflection can be carried out at the normal speed of traffic circulation on the road, while simultaneously conducting the GIS inventory of signage

Visualize provides the following advantages:

  • Measurement speed increases, allowing for more frequent checks or longer study sections
  • The obtained information is structured in a database, enabling easy distribution and analysis
  • The improvement in road safety is obvious: having information on the entire road network makes it possible to develop road safety strategies at the global level of the network.
  • In the field of infrastructure maintenance, being able to quickly have the information after auscultation avoids long processes and time lapses between the detection of anomalies and the action on them.

With Visualise you get the following information from the vertical signage:

  • Retroreflection curve as a function of distance.
  • Panoramic image with the position of the sign on the road.
  • Exact reference in distance of the signal location.
  • GPS coordinates of the signal position.
  • Signal geometry (rectangular, circular or triangular).
  • Detail image of the test signal.

High-performance dynamic data acquisition

The main technological innovation of this equipment lies in the fact that the test data acquisition is done dynamically The system is installed in a vehicle that travels at the normal speed of the road Valid data can be obtained while traveling at speeds of up to 120 km/h The measurement system used by Visualise is based on image analysis: the vehicle travels along the road acquiring panoramic images through a high-resolution digital stereoscopic camera system; the use of an infrared lighting system during image capture improves the acquisition of desired results This system includes Processing Software for analyzing the obtained images and also features a Results Viewer for managing the generated information.

Visualise developed for the State of Nevada specifically adapted to extreme weather conditions.

We have worked with fantastic clients all over the world.

Detail of the interior instrumentation.

Visualize with instrumentation and mounted cameras ready to work

Visualise is a registered trademark and we hold the patent for the technology.