Certificates and Quality Area

Euroconsult Nuevas Tecnologías SAU has been dedicated to the research and development of innovative procedures, techniques and devices that improve the accuracy, speed and scope of transport infrastructure condition diagnostics for more than 30 years.

We are fully independent, which allows us to issue our reports and technical assessments with impartiality and integrity.  

Our multidisciplinary and highly qualified teams and our business culture is committed to technical innovation, which allows us to propose and develop effective solutions within reasonable deadlines and costs and responding to the problems of our clients, whether they are individuals, private or public organizations. 

Download environmental performance



To maintain the value of the infrastructure assets and their operability with adequate service levels, through technologically innovative solutions, always with the greatest technical excellence, objectivity and independence.


Maintain a leading position through the technological capabilities available at all times, in a process of continuous improvement that allows us to offer more precise, faster and more efficient consulting and engineering services, in search of the eternal infrastructure that will result in important benefits from the social point of view.  economic and environmental. 


Innovation, technical excellence, independence, objectivity and respect and recognition of fairness, talent and personal and professional development. 

Quality Certificates:

Quality Management System Certificate

Environmental Management System Certificate

 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certificate

ISO Certificates

9001 Certificate

14001 Certificate

45001 Certificate



Euroconsult Nuevas Tecnologías is a company that for more than 30 years has developed and provided consulting services and engineering solutions of a high technical and technological level for the conservation and maintenance of all types of infrastructures and building works. 

Innovation has always been the premise on which the company's activity has been based since its constitution, which has made it possible to create unique developments and solutions that allow obtaining a dense and detailed amount of information on different parameters, increasing the precision and efficiency in decision-making for the preservation of the operational capabilities of infrastructures.  with the highest efficiency from an economic and sustainability point of view. The company's activity is carried out from a position of absolute independence and technical objectivity with the aim of providing solutions to our customers and their needs. 

The vision of Euroconsult NT is to maintain a leading position through the technological capabilities available at all times, in a process of continuous improvement that allows us to offer more precise, faster and more efficient consulting and engineering services, in search of the eternal infrastructure that will result in important benefits from the social point of view.  economic and environmental. 

The values of Euroconsult NT are innovation, technical excellence, independence, objectivity and respect and recognition of fairness, talent and personal and professional development. 

The commitments of Euroconsult NT are: 

Sustainability and environmental protection 

Not only because we believe that our activity helps to safeguard resources that has a positive impact on the reduction of pollution and mitigating the effects of potential climate changes, but also because in the development of our work we are always governed by criteria of safeguarding the environment and optimizing resources through a rational use of raw materials and energy consumption,  also implementing practices for waste reduction, maximization of the useful life of all our equipment and resources, recycling and reuse practices, among others. 

Promote the improvement of working conditions in order to raise the level of safety and health protection, reduce risks, eliminate hazards and prevent harm to workers. To this end, preventive actions and measures are adopted to guarantee an adequate, safe and respectful working environment and conditions with the health and well-being of workers. 

To comply with all the legal and regulatory requirements applicable to Euroconsult New Technologies with the same spirit of constant improvement, raising the self-demand in those cases that we deem necessary both in internal matters and in our relations with third parties. 

Our commitment to continuous improvement is not limited only to our activity, but also to the way in which the company develops its internal processes in all areas.

Quality, care for the environment, research and development and safety at work is everyone's task.

The management of Euroconsult NT will ensure that the appropriate and necessary resources and means are available for the purpose of the processes. 

Motivate and train staff to be competent based on appropriate education, training, skills and experience. Likewise, the participation and consultation of all workers in the GIS will be promoted, thus reinforcing the organisation's preventive and internal culture. On the other hand, it should be noted that this policy is coherently aligned with the context and strategic direction of the company and serves and will serve as a framework of reference for establishing and reviewing the objectives and goals of quality, environment, R+D+i and occupational health and safety. The policy will be implemented, maintained and reviewed to ensure its continued adequacy and will also be disseminated to all Euroconsult New Technologies staff in order to raise awareness of roles, responsibilities and authorities, as well as to make it available to all interested parties. 

The Management of Euroconsult NT asks all its employees to comply with the provisions of this declaration and once again encourages all its stakeholders to participate in the implementation of improvements in a collaborative manner and always seeking maximum excellence throughout the organisation. 

Administrative Documentation:


The scope of the Integrated Management System for Quality, Environment, and Occupational Health and Safety is made available to any interested party upon request. To this end, it is displayed within our organization and on the Euroconsult Nuevas Tecnologías website. 


Following the guidelines established in the standards UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 and UNE-EN-ISO 14001:2015, our organization communicates to suppliers the requirements applicable to the processes, products, and services to be provided through the following link.