High-performance team for measuring deflections and curvature radii of road surfaces, airports, and open areas The equipment is mounted on a two-axle truck, with the rear twin axle weighted with a load that can be adjusted at will between 8 and 13 tons Euroconsult Nuevas Tecnologías SA has 7 approved and certified Curviometer units by the Ministry of Public Works.
Applications of the Curviámetro:
- Structural monitoring for planning and prioritizing reinforcement.
- Pavement management systems for determining optimal conservation strategies.
- Calculation of reinforcements.
- Evaluation of adherence between different pavement layers.
- Monitoring of airport pavements and railway platform layers.
- Establishment of the zero point in deflection to understand the evolution over time and assess residual life.
- Layer-by-layer assessment of the deflections anticipated in the project.
- Homogeneity control in stabilization treatments of embankments during construction.
The measurements are taken at a speed of 5 m/s (18 km/h) and a data point is obtained every five meters At each point, the deformation of the pavement is determined over a length of four meters Of these, three correspond to the rear part of the truck, behind the rear axle, where there is hardly any influence from the front wheel Subsequently, deflection and curvature radius data are processed, corrected for temperature and humidity, for classification into homogeneous zones.
Main technical features
- A 15-meter chain and 3 sensors automatically synchronized with the truck's movement.
- Deflection bowl defined by 100 points along a 4-meter measuring base.
- Measurement at the rear of the loaded axle with 13 tons to eliminate front axle influence (variable from 8 to 13 tons).
- Panoramic front camera with x, y, z coordinates for inventory purposes.
Data processing informatics
The data recorded by the Curviámetro is analyzed using proprietary programs, providing computer support applications that manage deflection and associated images.
There is the possibility of integration into already established pavement management systems.
We also offer the possibility of custom development for pavement management systems.
Our fleet of measuring equipment allows us to handle multiple projects simultaneously
Ballast Measurement
Measurement on airport runway
Chain Control Camera
We can develop custom software for you or integrate our analysis programs into your pavement management systems.
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