One of the fundamental levers currently and in the future is our tunnel inspection system.
Until the arrival of the Tunnelins system developed by EC NT, inspections of this type of infrastructure were only carried out visually in extreme pathological situations that had affected the service level of this structure.
With the Tunnelins equipment, the methodology of inspection and preventive conservation is extended to a key structure of transport infrastructures, being compatible with the short periods of time available for maintenance and inspection work.
At present, this system has gradually become a valuable tool for assessing the state of the tunnel fleet of different administrations, as evidenced by the contracts executed for Rete Ferroviaria Italiana, Japan Railways, London Underground, ADIF, Metro de Madrid, CONAGUA, etc.
EC NT plans to expand the services provided by this facility.
Custom development analysis software that allows for the exploitation of 3D reconstruction, identifying:
Defects in joints
Keystrokes in voussoirs
Cracking openings
Moisture and leaks
Material loss
State of track fixings
Rail wear