Our History

From its foundation in 1991, ECNT is focused in the research and development of new procedures, techniques and devices to increase accuracy, speed and density in the health diagnostic; but always looking for the eameasurement of different parameters for infrastructuresiest way to manage those data. 

NDT introduction in Spain for foundations

First operations in domestic market (ECODYN)

Spanish  Curviametro approval

First software development for data process

SCRIM acquisition 

High speed vertical signs measure development (VISUALISE) 

New operations in Europe (france, Portugal, Germany, UK, etc) 

Initial contacts for LATAM works 

Start for LATAM operations (Brasil, Mexico, Perú)

3D Laser Inspection System for tunnel development

Fiber optic devices for structure monitoring

Trial tests in USA (Curviametro and VISUALISE)

New financial partner (TERTIUS)

European market focus

RFI contract for tunnel inspection with TUNNELINS

New management and operational structure (indenpendency from ECG Group) 

The origin of an idea:

Behind every great company, is a true story. Who are we? Why did we establish our business? And what sets us apart as the best in our field today?

In 1987, during the peak of land transport infrastructure development in Spain, a significant question emerged:

How can we effectively manage the conservation and maintenance of such a vital infrastructure legacy?

An exploration of methodologies used in other countries with a higher degree of progress in this area is initiated, which leads to the creation of a company that focuses its activity on the development and adaptation of existing best practices, as well as on the development of new equipment and techniques that allow optimizing conservation resources and ensuring the value of infrastructure heritage. 

On 15 March 1991, the prospect of activity led to the establishment of a fully dedicated subsidiary, called EUROCONSULT SEÑALIZACIÓN S.A.

With its establishment, the first horizontal mark auscultation equipment, the first point regularity measurement equipment and deep foundation integration inspection equipment were imported. This is possible thanks to the technical and commercial agreements reached with the Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chausées. 

From Idea to Reality: The First Curviámetro.

The initial significant advancement in research occurred with the acquisition and involvement in the development of the Curviámetro patent (1990), a French-originated project that had been hindered by the CEBTP's (Centre d'Études du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics) lack of funding and technical resources. A joint venture between EUROCONSULT and CEBTP was established to further the team's progress. The originally designed equipment was almost entirely manual, greatly restricting its efficiency and speed.

EUROCONSULT acquired a 50% interest in the patent and contributed resources and expertise to develop the first automated version of the device: the MT-15 Curviameter.

Over the following two decades, the equipment underwent successive enhancements, resulting in the 2,000 to 5,000 series versions.

Efforts are ongoing to advance a significant new development that will uphold this equipment as a standard in assessing the load-bearing capacity of pavements.

We are grateful to our customers for trusting us for more than 40 years of innovation, technological and human challenges.