Our Devices:

CURVIÁMETRO (Trade Mark Registered & Own patent) 

Measures bearing capacity in pavements with accurate data for deflection and deflection bowl radius. Is approved according to the UNE 41250-4 standard.

VISUALISE (Trade Mark Registered & Own patent) 

Measures retroreflectivity and brightness (among other parameters) from signs and vertical pannels, at traffic speed.

TUNNELINS  (Trade Mark Registered & Own patent)

The tunnel inspection system, utilizing high-speed 3D LASER cameras, can measure at speeds up to 40 km/h with an accuracy of 0.1 mm for microcracking, damage, water filtrations, lining movements, track inspections, and other facility inspections (such as tunnel electrics, communications, etc.).


Like all great things, we started small. We took a few like-minds with a shared vision—and ran with it. Today, we’ve grown into something big.


Measures the daytime and night-time visibility of road markings by simulating the night vision of a driver using dipped headlights. Measurements are taken in daytime conditions, in a single sweep with vehicles moving at standard traffic speeds.


 The falling weight deflectometer provides readings on structural capacity and overall rigidity of road beds and pavements.  Euroconsult Nuevas Tecnologías S.A. has two Ministry of Infrastructure approved heavy weight deflectometers (HWD).

This equipment can be used on any type of road, with no geometrical constraints in regard to layout, and on flexible, semi-flexible, semi-rigid and rigid pavements. 


High-performance unit for measuring the bearing capacity of embankments, platforms, track beds and sub-ballast.

The unit's data processing software ensures that results are immediately available upon test completion, allowing for instant conclusions and faster decision-making regarding work.



Laserprof assesses pavement surface roughness at speeds up to 150 km/h, facilitating the acoustic analysis of pavement layers during construction and on active highways and roads without disrupting traffic flow.


 We have our own patent and registered trademark of: Curviámetro,Visualise & Tunnelins